InterFlo® QuadPro SST RO System

InterFlo® QuadPro SST Reverse Osmosis System

The InterFlo® QuadPro SST is your sleek, tankless solution for better-tasting, filtered water. Featuring innovative Superior SmartFlow® Technology, this system delivers more water with less waste making sure you get the most out of your drinking water.

  • Certified to reduce contaminants such as chromium III and VI, copper, fluoride, lead, nitrates, and more
  • Superior SmartFlow® Technology
  • Delivers about one gallon of filtered water with only two-thirds of a gallon of wastewater*
    *Compared to typical systems with a ratio of one gallon of filtered water to five or more gallons of wastewater, as noted by
  • Impressive efficiency rating of 60%
  • Recovery rating of 74.5%
  • LED status alert notifications
  • No airgap faucet helps mitigate noise and leaking from faucet
  • Patented InterFlo® QuadPro SST Reverse Osmosis membrane filter* is designed for extended life of up to four years based on system use.
    * Reverse Osmosis Patent US 8,337,698


System Specs:
Dimensions: 5.5" W x 116.9" H x 17.5" D
Limited Warranty

Tested and Certified
InterFlo® QuadPro SST with Carts
InterFlo® QuadPro SST Products
InterFlo® QuadPro SST with Carts
InterFlo® QuadPro SST Products

Innovative Technology and Features

Superior SmartFlow® Technology

Superior SmartFlow® Technology

Our patented technology delivers better water, reduces water waste, and extends filter life compared to standard RO systems.

High Capacity

High Capacity

Provides 3 glasses of purified water to every 1 glass of reject water! This is a significant advantage over other systems.

3-Stage Filtration

3-Stage Filtration

This advanced process tackles sediment, chlorine, and other chemical contaminants from your water. The final stage enhances taste and odor, ensuring your family enjoys cleaner, refreshing water every time.

Sleek and Slim Design

Sleek and Slim Design

A sleek, slim system which saves precious under-the-sink space. Its compact design blends seamlessly into any kitchen while maximizing storage capacity.

Dual Replacement Light Indicator

Dual Replacement Light Indicator

The InterFlo® QuadPro SST features indicator lights on the faucet as well as the front of the unit signaling the need for cartridge replacement and life.

Less Frequent Filter Changes

Less Frequent Filter Changes

Enjoy great quality water longer with 12-month filter and 48-month membrane life based on system use. Unique design and engineering make cartridge replacements a breeze!

InterFlo® QuadPro SST - USE & CARE

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