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Is It Safe to Shower in Water That Smells Like Chlorine?

Shower head with water flowing out

Have you ever stepped into the shower and noticed a strong swimming pool smell coming from the water? You’re not alone! Typically, this smell is caused by the chlorine in your water. People often wonder, is it safe to shower in water that smells like chlorine? This article will explore the answer to that question, along with why your water smells like chlorine, what it means from a health perspective, and things you can do to resolve this issue.

Why Does My Water Smell Like Chlorine?

Chlorine is commonly found in the water supply of city homes. Municipal water treatment systems use chlorine to disinfect water and eliminate harmful bacteria, making cooking, cleaning, bathing, and other household activities safer. However, after chlorine has served its purpose in disinfecting the water, it's no longer needed and can even have adverse effects if present in the water supply.

Is It Safe to Shower in Chlorinated Water?

It is generally safe to shower and bathe in water that smells like chlorine. The chlorine levels in treated water are typically within safe limits set by regulatory agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, it is best to get your water tested by a professional


Exposure to high chlorine levels through showers or bathing over time could adversely affect hair and skin. Sensitive skin or other pre-existing conditions could increase susceptibility to these effects.

Possible Side Effects of Chlorine Exposure in Water

  • Skin Irritation: Chlorine can be an irritant that strips the skin of natural oils, leading to itching and dryness.
  • Brittle or Dry Hair: Exposure to chlorinated water can make color-treated hair fade away more quickly. Chlorine can also cause hair to become dry and even brittle or discolored.

How to Minimize Chlorine Exposure in the Shower

The good news is that you can do a few things to reduce and prevent these common adverse effects associated with chlorine in the water.

  1. Shower Filters: Shower Filters can effectively address chlorine concerns from one location, like the shower head. These filters can work in some applications, although they can only address chlorine, not other contaminants that may be present in the water. Shower filters must also be replaced frequently to ensure they remain effective.
  2. Whole-Home Water Filtration: Whole-home water filters can be installed to tackle many contaminants, including chlorine. These systems can remove foul smells and tastes throughout your home. Hague Quality Water offers numerous options of whole-home water filtration systems to provide your home with the desired quality water.
  3. WaterMax® Signature Series: This unique, highly efficient, whole-home water treatment system can be fully customized to meet your needs. With multiple media chambers, the WaterMax is a perfect solution for homes on city water. It can not only filter out chlorine but also give you soft water.

Steps to Better Water

While taking your morning shower in water that smells like chlorine is generally considered safe, it is still a good idea to understand the potential discomfort and dryness to hair and skin that can come with it. Having a water expert come to the home and perform a water test is always the best place to start.


If you’re concerned about the chlorine levels in your water, contact an authorized Hague dealer today to learn about the best options available.

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